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free sacral chakra on clickbank


This is a 10 minute version of the basic frequencies used to activate the sacral chakra . It requires headphones to get the best effects.  To get the 70 minute music version  with these frequencies embedded please click on the link below for the Full Chakra & Kundalini Activation Pack - you do not need headphones for the full pack

Click Here for the Full Chakra & Kundalini Activation Pack

You can save the sacral chakra program as an app on your desktop or laptop by pressing "ctrl" and "S". You can do this on a Mac by pressing"cmd" and "S"

For instructions on how to do this to your mobile device please click


The Sacral Chakra is located slightly below the navel, exactly four fingers down from our belly button. It is represented by the color orange. This chakra corresponds to our emotional and sexual desires as well as our ego.
When the Sacral Chakra is active and balanced, your feelings flow freely and you are not over-emotional in expressing them. You are open to intimacy and you are passionate. You are full of life and people love being around you as you bring very positive energy. Most importantly, you do not have any problems in expressing your sexuality.
However, if you have very low Sacral Chakra it is hard for you to enjoy and live in the moment as well as appreciating life. You tend to be stiff and unemotional and you always have your guard up.
In example, when someone throws you a surprise birthday party, you feel indifferent or you do not know how to react. Ideally, you should be happy and thankful for the thoughts of others of you. Instead, it’s hard for you to receive and open up.
On the other hand when the chakra is hyperactive, you tend to be overly emotional and over-reacting to even the most trivial things. People do not usually like to be around you as you are very unpredictable and it is possible for you to explode at any given time.
When both overly active Root Chakra and Sacral Chakra combine, it is extremely hard for you to accept rejection and you become too overly attached to other people, especially when it comes to romantic relationships.
For instance when your boyfriend or girlfriend choose to break up there is a high chance for you to injure yourself or do something out of the ordinary that is going to cause you harm. You think irrationally or you may not think at all when proceeding with a certain decision.


Click Here to view and save the Solar Plexus Chakra Program

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