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free solar plexus chakra on clickbank


This is a 10 minute version of the basic frequencies used to activate the solar plexus chakra . It requires headphones to get the best effects.  To get the 70 minute music version  with these frequencies embedded please click on the link below for the Full Chakra & Kundalini Activation Pack - you do not need headphones for the full pack

Click Here for the Full Chakra & Kundalini Activation Pack

You can save the solar plexus chakra program as an app on your desktop or laptop by pressing "ctrl" and "S". You can do this on a Mac by pressing"cmd" and "S"

For instructions on how to do this to your mobile device please click


This chakra is located at the center of the body, specifically at our stomach level. This is where the physical energy is distributed. It is represented by the color yellow and has a higher vibrating frequency as compared to the Sacral Chakra.
The Solar Plexus Chakra corresponds to your feelings when you are in a group of people. It is responsible for the development of relationships of all kinds, such as a romantic relationship, camaraderie or with your family members.
This chakra also represents your individuality, self-esteem and how you stand up for what you believe in in the presence of others. It is the center for unrefined emotions as well as personal power.
This is where we develop a sense of self and an outward sense of others. With the mastery of this chakra, you are able to directly perceive the feelings of others as well.
When this chakra is inactive, you have very low self-esteem and it’s hard for you to acknowledge your self-worth. You feel useless and powerless especially when you are under pressure. This result in you saying “Yes” to even things you do not believe in.
Let’s illustrate an example. Let’s say you are assigned a project with your colleague. For the project, you came up with all the ideas and did most of the work. When you have presented the project to your boss and it was well received, your boss asks who came up with the concept and your colleague takes all the credit.
You really want to speak up and tell the truth but you do not how. You are afraid that conflict may arise between you and your partner, so you just keep quiet. In the end, your boss offers your partner a promotion and because of your unwillingness to stand up and speak up for yourself, you missed a golden opportunity. As a result, you feel depressed and disappointed and it adds more to your feeling on unworthiness. Therefore, the cycle never ends.
On the other hand, if your Solar Plexus Chakra is over-reactive then you can become a very dominating person and would want to control everything. Your personality can be likened to that of a dictator.
In the workforce context, you will be perceived as a very stubborn and controlling leader. It is likely that your subordinates will feel pressured and stressed when working under your supervision.
The Solar Plexus Chakra also corresponds to your financial condition. When your chakra is balanced and active, then you will easily become a money magnet. If you own your own business, it is easy for you to attract customers as well as closing deals.
However when your chakra is inactive, you will face financial crisis such as finding it hard to earn money and also saving money!


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