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Crown Chakra Healing – Learn Everything About The Sahasrara


As time goes on and the Western World begins to understand the importance of taking care of overall wellness, chakras have become a big topic. You’ve probably heard about them several times but still aren’t quite sure exactly what they are, why they are so important, or how they can influence your life. If so, I think you’ll find the information in this blog to be quite helpful.

To start with, there are seven main chakras within each of our bodies. They are energy centers that can be thought of as spinning wheels or discs. Each of them has a very specific responsibility and can either impact a person’s life in positive or negative ways, depending on whether they are active, balanced, and opened.

Today we are going to take a deep dive into the crown chakra (also known as the sahasrara or 7th chakra).

A brightly colored illustration of the 7 chakras.

Crown Chakra Meaning, Symbol, Color and Location

Translated into Sanskrit, sahasrara means thousand-petalled. This energy center is thought to help people develop spiritual connections, achieve true consciousness, connect with the higher self, acquire spiritual peace, and understand unity and the connectedness of all things in the Universe. However, we will go further into what the sahasrara can do when opened and properly balanced later in this post.

The simplest explanation of the meaning of this energy center is the spiritual self. It has a strong association with the higher self as well as the spiritual realm.

The symbol for this energy center is quite interesting and also has a very deep meaning. As mentioned before, the Sanskrit translation of this chakra is thousand-petalled. For this reason, it should be no surprise that it is usually represented with a symbol that features a lotus flower with a thousand petals.

These petals exist within the symbol for far more than an artistic effect. In fact, they are meant to represent Kundalini energy and the power that it holds which eventually makes its way to the crown chakra once it has been activated.

The circle in the center of the symbol has a couple of different meanings. Some prefer to see it as a representation of infinite space which a person will be able to access once their consciousness has risen. Others prefer to see it as a representation of a circle of oneness that illustrates our connection to everyone and everything in the universe.

Being the last of the 7 chakras, this energy center is located on the top of the head. Therefore, it’s crucial that the other 7 chakras have been activated, balanced and well maintained in order for this energy center to be able to function properly. If you aren’t sure whether or not your other chakras need healing, take a moment to check out this post.

An image showing a thousand petalled lotus which is the symbol for the crown chakra.

Crown Chakra Powers

Activating, balancing, or healing the sahasrara offers an enormous amount of benefits on a spiritual, emotional, and physical level. Many would agree that it is one of the most helpful and powerful chakras. It provides a great deal of wisdom and understanding in life.

Upon activation, many people begin to have important experiences in life that they have never had before. For example, a person may find themselves in positive situations that help them better understand the world, how it can be improved, and even put them on the path to their destiny.

Maintaining this energy center is also crucial when it comes to understanding the meaning of life as well as understanding your purpose and what you need to do in order to live by it.

Of all the chakras, the crown is the one that helps people the most when it comes to letting go of negative traits such as selfishness. Those with a properly functioning sahasrara will see the importance of selflessness, generosity, unity, and focusing on the greater good rather than what is best solely for themselves.

Most importantly, a properly functioning sahasrara provides true and full self-knowledge, connection to spirit, enlightenment, and the understanding that there is an order that governs all things within the Universe.

Other benefits of maintaining this energy center include joy, happiness, contentment, the ability to be guided by a higher power, and an experience of divinity.

A woman with an activated sahasrara is becoming one with the universe.

Crown Chakra Blockage

Unfortunately, chakras can become blocked and when this happens it’s possible for a person to experience a wide variety of complications in life. In some cases, a person’s physical well-being can even be put at stake.

There are many different things that can cause chakras to become blocked. In the case of the sahasrara, blockages are typically caused by things such as conflicts, emotional unrest, losses, and other forms of trauma. However, a blockage can also be caused by high levels of anxiety, living in fear, as well as overwhelming amounts of stress.

Are you unsure whether or not you’re suffering from a sahasrara blockage?

Here are the most common signs to look out for:
• Inability to make decisions
• Chronic fatigue
• Feeling as though you don’t belong
• An overwhelming feeling of being lonely
• Disconnectedness
• Lack of meaning
• High amounts of fear
• No hope for the future
• Trouble managing thoughts
• Lack of spirituality
• Poor focus
• Imbalances in life
• Poor physical functioning
• Confusion

A man with a blocked sahasrara sits sadly on the floor.

Crown Chakra Healing & Opening

If you’re suffering from a blocked sahasrara, the sooner you do something about it the better. You’ll be happy to learn that there is a wider variety of crown chakra healing and opening techniques to choose from. With so many options available, there’s bound to be one that’s a perfect fit for your life’s circumstances as well as your personal needs.

Here are some of the most popular and effective healing and opening methods.

Show More Gratitude: Gratitude is extremely important when it comes to maintaining a healthy and open sahasrara. While being thankful may not always be the easiest thing to do, especially in times of struggle, it’s important to remember that there is always something to be grateful for. The more you focus on what you have and appreciate in life, the better of you will be.

Mindfulness Exercises: Learning to be present in the moment is a great way to reconnect with your innermost self and therefore one of the best ways to heal and open your sahasrara. One of the simplest mindfulness exercises a person can do is simply focus on their breathing. Pay close attention while you breathe in through your nose, hold the breath for a moment, then slowly exhale through your mouth.

Visualization Exercises: These exercises are quite powerful, but they can take practice to master. To get started, make sure you are in a quiet place where you can completely relax. Then begin to focus on your breathing and make sure it’s controlled and steady. After a moment, begin visualizing a swirling ball of violet energy entering the top of your head. Continue doing this for a long as you can remain comfortable and repeat when necessary.

Yoga: Yoga can be quite beneficial, but it’s important to make sure you’re using the right poses for the best results. If this is the technique you prefer, use poses such as tree pose, lotus, or half lotus.

Expand Your Wisdom: Reading books or watching videos that can help you expand your wisdom on connection, spirituality, and the universe is another great method that many people see positive results with.

Beautifully colored amethyst crystals in several different sizes.

Crystals For Crown Chakra

Let’s be honest for a moment. Many of us live busy lives and don’t have time for countless yoga sessions, reading lengthy books, or spending hours throughout the day visualizing. The good news is that there are passive techniques for healing the sahasrara. Incorporating certain crystals into your life is a great example.

Here is a short list of which crystals are the most beneficial:
• Amethyst
• Selenite
• Sugilite
• Fluorite
• Lepidolite

A book containing spiritual knowledge open with the pages forming a heart.

Crown Chakra Meditation

Without a doubt, meditation is one of the most useful tools when it comes to healing chakras. However, who has the time to meditate all throughout the day? Luckily, there’s an incredible solution that I’m sure you’ll love.

These days, meditation doesn’t have to occupy your entire day or take years to master. In fact, if you can hit a play button and listen to specially designed meditation music, you can use this tool to experience fast and powerful results.

The best part is that it can be used anytime and anywhere, even while you are doing other things like working, studying, exercising, watching TV, or even while sleeping! I know it may sound a little hard to believe, but it’s just one of those things you’ll have to try for yourself.

Click here to receive a free collection of meditation music to heal and activate all 7 of your chakras.

An mp3 player lays on a desk before a person listens to a chakra healing meditation.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you activate the 7th chakra?

There are several different methods. The most popular are meditation, visualization exercises, mindfulness exercises, and the use of crystals. However, other methods such as wearing the color violet and making an effort to show more gratitude in life are also effective.

What happens when the seventh chakra opens?

When the crown chakra opens, a person will typically begin to understand themselves as well as the universe on a much deeper level. Enlightenment as well as a sense of one with everyone and everything in the universe is also very common. People typically begin to feel more content and grateful for what they have as well.

Which is the seventh chakra?

The seventh, also known as highest chakra, is the crown chakra. It’s associated with our connectedness and ability to be one with everything. The color associated with this energy center is violet and its element it thought. Many would agree that it is the most important of the 7 chakras.

What is the crown chakra responsible for?

The sahasrara has a wide variety of responsibilities. Some of the most important include connecting people with the divine, offering inspiration, spiritual connections, adding meaning and purpose to life, self-awareness, and allowing people to see the bigger picture in life.

What is the mantra for the crown chakra?

The mantra used for this energy center is the sound of the Universe. It’s typically written as AUM, but it can also be written as om. The mantra symbolizes the beginning, middle, and end of everything within existence.