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Everything You Need To Know About Throat Chakra Healing, Balancing, & Opening


Have you been feeling out of sorts lately or like your physical, mental, or emotional well-being has been negatively impacted? It could have something to do with your throat chakra also known as vishuddha or the 5th chakra.

This post will teach you everything you need to know about the vishuddha, how it can both positively and negatively affect your life, as well as what you need to do if this energy center becomes blocked or imbalanced.

If you’re not familiar with chakras, particularly the vishuddha, your eyes are about to be opened to an important part of your overall health and wellness.

Three Vishuddha stones placed on a table with the words relax, soul, and body written on them.

What Is The Throat Chakra?

Just in case you’re new to the world of chakras, lets take a moment to go over exactly what they are. For starters, each of us has seven primary chakras. You can think of them as spinning wheels or discs or energy. Each has a specific location as well as their own set of responsibilities when it comes to our physical, mental, emotional and even spiritual health.

When functioning properly, these spinning wheels allow energy to move from one energy center to another as well as freely throughout the body. The outcome is harmony as well as alignment. However, when one of your chakras becomes blocked, so does the energy they provide to your body and your other chakras.

So, what makes the vishuddha so important? Simply put, it’s believed to be what provides us with our ability to express ourselves, be truthful to ourselves as well as others, hear and be heard, and most importantly speak up for ourselves.

A woman showing her hands that she has creatively painted with different words.

Throat Chakra Meaning, Color & Symbol

The first step in making sure the vishuddha is properly maintained is knowing important things about it such as what it means, the color associated with it, and its symbol.

The meaning of vishuddha when translated from Sanskrit means “especially pure”. Upon understanding this it becomes clear why this energy center is so closely associated with our ability to be truthful to ourselves as well as others.

The color associated with this chakra is blue. You’re probably wondering why that’s important. Interestingly, chakras can sometimes be healed or balanced simply by incorporating the color associated with them into your life.

The symbol for the vishuddha has a deep and complex meaning. When looking at it, someone might think that it’s just a lotus with an inverted triangle and a circle in the middle of it. While that may be true, each part of the symbol has a very specific purpose.

The 16 petalled lotus is often decorated with important letters from the Sanskrit alphabet. Each hold an important meaning. A few examples would include compassion, forgiveness, truthfulness and knowledge.

The inverted triangle represents our spiritual growth, awareness, and enlightenment. The circle contained within the inverted triangle represents the element ether.

A bright blue symbol with sixteen petals and an inverted triangle with a circle in the middle.

Throat Chakra Blockage & Symptoms

A blockage in this energy center can make life quite difficult for a person on an emotional, mental, and physical level. One of the most common symptoms is a feeling of being unable to speak. Not in a sense where a person no longer has a voice but as if they have something important to say and just aren’t able to find a way to get the words out. Needless to say, this can have harsh impacts on a person’s life.

However, that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Here are other signs that point to a blocked vishuddha.

Emotional Symptoms:
• Depression
• High levels of anxiety
• Lack of self-esteem
• Shyness
• Easily becoming overwhelmed
• Inability to be expressive
• Being overly critical with others and yourself
• Emotional outbursts

Physical Symptoms:
• Unhealthy thyroid
• Gum disease
• Sinus infections
• Chronic sore throat
• Headaches
• Tongue and mouth sores
• Ear and sinus infections
• Tight shoulders
• Laryngitis
• Temporomandibular joint complications

A sad woman with a blocked Vishuddha sits on the ground surrounded by leaves.

Throat Chakra Healing, Clearing & Balancing

If you notice any of the above symptoms in your life, it’s important that you do something about it sooner rather than later. The good news is that there are multiple ways you can heal your vishuddha, some of which being as simple as an easy stretching exercise. For example, sit in a chair and pull your chin down to your chest. Roll your neck to one side trying to get your ear as close to your shoulder as possible. Hold this position for approximately 30 seconds. Then, move your chin back down toward your chest and repeat the stretch in the other direction.

You can also incorporate the color blue into your life. This can be done by wearing blue clothes, coloring or painting with the color blue, eating blue fruits or other types of food, or visualizing the color blue while meditating or doing mindfulness exercises.

Reiki is another popular and effective method. However, if this is the route you plan on taking, you should be aware that Reiki healing sessions can quickly become expensive. It’s also very important to research your Reiki practitioner to ensure they are qualified.

You may also want to consider writing in a journal. This is an excellent way to not only express yourself but learn to listen to yourself as well. Both of which are extremely helpful when it comes to throat chakra healing.

A pen lays on a journal that is used for chakra healing.

Crystals For Throat Chakra

You’ll likely be pleased to learn that there are also passive ways to heal this energy center. Believe it or not, simply carrying certain types of crystals or wearing jewelry embedded with them can be very effective.

Here are the top 10 crystals you should use:
• Aquamarine
• Amazonite
• Blue Apatite
• Celestite
• Chrysocolla
• Blue Lace Agate
• Lapis Lazuli
• Sodalite
• Angelite
• Blue Chalcedony

Shockingly, recent discoveries have revealed that you don’t even have to carry a crystal in order to receive its healing benefits. The same results can be achieved by listening to specially designed music that contains the exact frequency emitted by a crystal. It may be hard to believe but the results speak for themselves.

Click here to learn more about these crystal healing frequencies and try an audio for yourself.

An assortment of stones and crystals that can be used for the Vishuddha.

Throat Chakra Yoga Poses

If you’re a fan of yoga, you’ll be happy to hear that there are several poses you can do to open, clear, and heal your vishuddha.

Lion’s Breath

This pose tends to be a favorite for many because it allows people to have fun and be expressive plus it’s easy and it can be done by anyone, regardless of their physical condition or their experience level with yoga.

Simply sit on your heels while keeping your knees wide. Then, take inhale deeply. Hold the breath for a second and then open your mouth widely and stick your tongue out. Finally, exhale but as you do so, make sure you make an audible noise almost like a growl stemming from your throat.

Other beneficial poses include:
• Supported Fish Pose
• Supported Shoulderstand
• Plow Pose
• Cat-Cow Pose
• Bridge Pose

A person does yoga poses while they try to heal their chakras.

Symptoms Of Throat Chakra Opening

Opening or healing your vishuddha could potentially be one of the most beneficial things you do in your life. The amount of benefits it offers is truly remarkable.

For starters, you’ll find it much easier to express yourself. You’ll finally be able to demonstrate clarity within yourself and show off your uniqueness to the world.

Another huge benefit is that you’ll begin to be able to be honest with confidence and ease in all situations, big or small. Integrity will become one of your core values and needless to say, this can be quite beneficial in life.

Hormonal balance and thyroid gland health improvement are also commonly experienced during vishuddha healing. This has a positive effect on metabolism, growth, cellular functions, the nervous system, heart rate, and much more.

There are several other positive symptoms as well including:
• Tapping into musical or other creative abilities
• Greatly improved listening skills
• Mindfulness within conversations
• The ability to speak with clarity and mean what you say
• Enhanced manifestation abilities
• Your mind and heart will become synchronized
• The feeling of acknowledgement and being heard
• Communication will become a more enjoyable experience

Interested in opening, activating, or healing your vishuddha? Make it easy on yourself with throat chakra meditation music. It’s so easy anyone can use it. In fact, all you have to do is listen to see results. You can even use it while working, watching TV, studying, sleeping, or just about anything else you can think of.

The best part is that you can even try it for free. Click here to download your meditation music now.

A simple drawing telling people to believe in and love themselves.

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens when throat chakra is blocked?

A wide variety of complications can occur on a physical, mental, and emotions level. Some examples would include inability to communicate, high levels of stress, difficulty expressing yourself, an unhealthy thyroid gland, headaches, and much more.

What happens when vishuddha chakra is activated?

Expressing yourself and communicating with others will become much easier. It will also become easier to be honest with yourself as well with others. You’ll build more confidence with speaking and become better at saying what you want to say and how you want to say it. Many have even stated that their manifestation abilities were greatly improved.

Which essential oil is best for the throat chakra?

There are many different essential oils that are beneficial for this chakra. However, the top five that show the best results are peppermint, carrot seed, basil, geranium, and bergamot. Keep in mind that it’s highly important for your safety that essential oils are used correctly.

What does the 5th chakra represent?

The vishuddha represents expression, clarity, integrity, communication, authenticity, and being comfortable as well as confident with yourself. It’s what allows us to clearly communicate our thoughts, intentions and feelings.

Where is the 5th chakra?

The vishuddha is located in the base of the neck in close proximity to the jaw, thyroid, and mouth.