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Your Guide On The Best Sacral Chakra Healing


If you’ve been feeling out of sorts lately and haven’t quite been able to put your finger on the cause, it could have something to do with your chakras. These energy centers can greatly influence our lives in both positive and negative ways, depending on how well we keep them maintained.

The real question is how do you know if your chakras need healing, and more importantly, how do you know which chakra needs your attention?

You can learn more about the 7 main chakras and how to identify which one needs healing by clicking here.

This post will be focusing purely on the Sacral Chakra, also known as the second chakra, 2nd chakra, or Svadhisthana.

A brightly colored character depicting the location of the Svadhisthana.

What Is Sacral Chakra?

The simplest explanation of the 2nd chakra is a wheel-like energy center located within your body. It’s believed that this energy center is responsible for providing us with pleasure in life, healthy sexuality, creativity, emotional well-being, self-expression, joy and so much more. In fact, this energy center is even responsible for governing the health of our kidneys as well as our sexual organs.

The Svadhisthana is believed to be able to help govern these things and more by sending energy, frequencies and vibrations through the circulatory and lymphatic system, bladder, kidneys, reproductive organs and large intestines. However, this is only possible when the energy center is well-maintained, open, balanced, and functioning properly.

While you may not be able to physically see the Svadhisthana, you can visualize it as a spinning wheel of energy that is located just approximately two inches below the belly button. The color that represents this particular energy center is orange.

Now that we’ve gone over the basics of the Svadhisthana, what it’s responsible for, as well as its location and color, let’s further your understanding of this energy center by moving on to what exactly it means.

An orange question mark with a dark background leading into the question about what chakras are.

Understanding The Sacral Chakra Meaning

As you learned in the beginning of this post, this energy center goes by many names. However, the most important with the deepest meaning is Svadhisthana which translates in Sanskrit to “where your being is established”. It doesn’t take a lot of experience with or knowledge of chakras to be able to pick up on the importance of that translation. Basically, the Svadhisthana is the very core of your entire being.

The words I am with other words inside to depict the Svadhisthana meaning the core of being.

The Importance Of The Sacral Chakra Symbol

Each of the 7 chakras has a corresponding symbol. In the case of the sacral, the symbol is a six petaled mandala lotus with a circle and a moon in the middle as well as the seed mantra in the center.

Here’s what each of the different parts of the symbol represent.

The Six Petals: In a spiritual sense, the six petals represent the six negative aspects of nature that must be overcome in order to purify this energy center. In a religious sense, the six petals represent imperfection and remind us that we all have weaknesses and we are all vulnerable.

The Moon And Circle: The circle in this symbol actually has quite an interesting meaning. It represents perpetual motion, constant change in life, as well as continuous transition. It also serves as a reminder to embrace the flow of life rather than focusing on understanding the experience of life.

The moon portion of the symbol also has a deep meaning. It has feminine energy that symbolizes the flow of time, constant change in life, and most importantly illumination of that which is dark throughout nature. It has a significant meaning to each of us as the moon represents each of our minds and feelings.

An illustration with six petals and a moon showing the design of the Svadhisthana symbol.

How To Know If You Have A Sacral Chakra Blockage

So, we’ve gone over what this energy center is as well as the importance of its symbol, but what happens when it becomes blocked, unbalanced, or overactive?

The short answer is more negative impacts on your life than you likely ever imagined. Let’s take a look at some examples of why maintaining a healthy 2nd chakra is so crucial.

Signs and symptoms of an unhealthy sacral include but are not limited to:
• Becoming distant or detached from others.
• A constant feeling of being lonely.
• High levels of stress and anxiety.
• Impotence.
• Self-Isolation.
• Inability to be creative or find inspiration.
• Decreased libido and sex drive.
• Inability to properly manage emotions.
• Trouble expressing emotions
• Easily becoming overwhelmed.
• Frequent mood and emotional swings.
• The constant need to escape reality.
• Showing an abundance of affection towards others when it’s not returned.
• Always having lower back pain.
• Pelvic, kidney and bladder complications.
• UTI’s (Urinary Tract Infections)

As you can see, this energy center can wreak havoc on your life and to be entirely honest, the symptoms above are just a small glimpse of what a person can experience.

A chalkboard with the word problem crossed out.

Sacral Chakra Balancing, Opening And Healing

The only good thing about unhealthy chakras is that they can easily be healed. Some methods work better than others and some are honestly nothing more than a waste of time. Let’s dive into the best techniques to restore and heal your Svadhisthana.

One of the most common techniques used is visualization exercises. Since the Svadhisthana is made of energy, it can be open, healed and balanced by simply visualizing a swirling ball of energy entering your pelvic area. This may sound strange, but you’ll likely be surprised by the results.

Another common healing method is wearing or carrying crystals, orange calcite and orange aventurine in particular. However, this technique can become costly rather quickly so it may not be for everyone.

You can also try tapping into your creative side, but this method tends to be complicated for most people since an unhealthy Svadhisthana can lead to issues with creativity. The important thing to remember if you would like to give this technique a try is that there is no wrong way to do it. The only thing that matters is that you get creative with something and allow yourself to be expressive while doing it.

A woman with paint on her face embraces her creative side to heal her chakras.

Certain types of food can also be very beneficial. For example, centering foods such as pumpkin, seeds, carrots, potatoes, melons, and mangos can help restore your Svadhisthana. Diet changes are not always easy, but if you have the willpower and the determination, a small diet change can make a world of difference in your life.

The last healing method that I would like to go over in this section is Reiki healing. Undoubtably, Reiki is one of the most powerful forms of healing used throughout the spiritual community. The only down side is that it can become extremely expensive and you don’t always know if a Reiki practitioner is actually qualified to offer the healing that you desire. Make sure you do your research before choosing a Reiki professional for your needs.

Using A Meditation For Sacral Chakra

While the above healing techniques can be very helpful, meditation is by far the best choice when it comes to effectiveness, simplicity, and cost effectiveness. You don’t even have to be experienced with meditation in order to receive the healing benefits thanks to new MP3 that have been released on the market. They literally do all of the work for you and can be used in any environment at any time, even while exercising, watching TV, or sleeping. It doesn’t get any easier than that!

Click here to learn more about these meditations and get started on your healing journey today.

A woman performs a sacral chakra meditation in front of a body of water.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What are second chakra issues?
There are many issues that can come with an imbalanced or blocked sacral chakra ranging from emotional, mental physical, spiritual, and even sexual complications. If you notice the signs of a blocked Svadhisthana it’s imperative that you begin the healing process as soon as possible.

How do I unblock my second chakra?
With so many different techniques to choose from it can be hard to determine which method is the best. However, if you’re looking for rapid results, simplicity, and cost-effectiveness, a healing meditation would likely be your best bet.

What happens when second chakra opens?
You’ll notice that creativity and expression come to you with ease. You’ll also begin to experience healthier relationships, more control of your emotions, less stress and anxiety in your life, a higher sex drive, more joy and happiness in life, as well as the ability to be happy and comfortable with yourself plus so much more.

What foods are good for the sacral chakra?
Since the color of the Sacral Chakra is orange, any type of food that is orange in color can be beneficial when it comes to healing. However, for enhanced results, you’ll want to stick to foods that are grounding such as nuts, seeds, pumpkins, carrots, mangos, potatoes, or melons.

What does the 2nd chakra represent?
The second chakra represent pleasure in life, healthy sexuality, self-expression, creativity, joy, emotional well-being, and much more. The petals seen in the symbol for this energy center represent either the six negative aspects of nature or imperfection depending on whether you see the symbol in a spiritual or religious manner. The symbol also represents the flow of time, continuous change in life, feminine energy, and so much more.