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Blog - exercise and food to activate the heart chakra

exercise and food to activate the heart chakra


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How does a blocked heart chakra influence your wealth

In the context of money or financial situations, the heart chakra plays a significant role in shaping how you feel about money. It also corresponds to the feeling of worthiness in attaining the money.
Firstly, when the heart chakra is blocked or inactive, you will feel that money is hard to achieve. There is also a tendency to feel that money is the root of evil where it may lead to negative consequences in your life. This can be greed, ungratefulness as well as selfishness.
When you feel money is hard to achieve, you can’t seem to find any possible solution to make money happen, where in reality there are infinite number of possible ways to make your financial situation better.
Therefore, how you feel will indirectly influence how the universe reacts towards you. You may also feel that money is the root of all evil, where people who are rich or are born with a silver spoon in their mouths are all greedy and selfish. Therefore, you do not want to be associated with money.
However, if your heart chakra is balanced and active, you feel that money is a powerful medium to achieve and manifest your goals in life. It acts as a tool for you to do what you love. For instance, if you love traveling the world, then money can make it happen for you. You achieve a stable financial status and it will also be easy for you to attract the money as well as the amount you want in order to do what you love.

The Solution
There are several solutions you can take in order to activate and balance your heart chakra. Firstly, is through different activities:

Sit down in a quiet and comfortable place, and close your eyes. Take a couple of deep breaths to calm you down. Place both of your palms on your heart. Imagine a beautiful green flower opening from a tight bud to a full bloom. As your mind visualizes this, in the context of your money chakra, feel the energy of appreciation for money and see it flowing in yourself. Then, weave a figure 8, which is an infinity sign using your fingers, repeatedly in front of you as you think of this thought in your head; I am always experiencing money flowing in than flowing out. I can now use money in pursuing what I love. Then, bring your palms to the center of your heart and feel the energy within you. Take a deep breath and open your eyes when you are ready.

Schedule A Regular Time To Do What You Love
Commit to doing what you love. This can be your passion projects or your hobbies such as baking, volunteering or hiking. Set a schedule to make sure you adhere to the time and you make time for it no matter how busy you are.

Follow Your Dreams And Desires
Do not let your dreams die just because you do not have time to realize them. Make time and work on them consistently. This can be having that dream house or it can even be building a business you have always wanted.

As stated in the previous chapters, chakras are all connected to specific energies within yourself. Therefore, you may select certain food that contains specific vibrations or energies which may help balance your chakras.As the heart chakra is represented by the color green, green, leafy vegetables can help in balancing the energies. This may include kale, lettuces, spinach, bok choy, broccoli and many more. The heart chakra is all about balance and green veggies are neither yin nor yang in traditional medicine. Therefore, they maintain a perfect equilibrium that is essential to this chakra.

You can listen to the music with or without headphones. You can relax in a chair or lie down. You will even get benefit from playing it in the background while you do other things like exercising, working, watching TV or even sleeping....Click for more

To download the music please go to http://www.brainwaveentrainmentstore.net/kundalin... and select the heart chakra program and "add to cart"

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